About us

We have two main purposes to start our business - to help people to have better health and to earn extra income. With better health, we can live a longer and happier life. With sufficient long term steady income, we can have a financial worry-free living. After you have built a strong business base to produce good ongoing income yet without heavy time investment, you can retire early and enjoy a freedom lifestyle.

Would you like to have such a business opportunity to support your desired lifestyle?

By working together as a team, our members help each other to achieve independent business success.

Marketing and training platform - Aiebiz.com

This website provides marketing tools and training to our members.

Business presentation and evaluation platform - Ebizpartnering.com

Our partnering website "ebizpartnering.com" offers online business presentation and evaluation to people who are referred by our members.

Both platforms are free to our members and people they referred.

How To Get Started

Our business evaluation is free with member's referral. There is a CAD80 non-refundable fee if without our member's referral.

black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile

If you have our member's referral......

If you do not have our member's referral......